What to Keep in Mind When Inspecting a New Home

New Home

The average Aussie’s life goals of older generations were to find a great-paying job, buy a nice car, get a house and start a family. It was an easy route to follow, with the steps being clear as a kindergatener’s to do list. Now, in the age of millenials who are more specifically uncertain about what they want out of life andquite unclear on how to attain hapiness and contentment, what exactly is the path that you have to take?

Well, that in itself is a dillemma that one must internalize and solve on their own, but buying a house is still a univerasal goal. Now more than ever, though, the process is more and more difficult. Buying a home can be filled with stress, doubts, and uncertainties. And once you get past all these, you will find yourself looking at another set of challenges.

You should note that home buying does not end with the signing of a contract. If you want to make the most of your purchase, you will need to inspect it first and take note of the things that need to be improved and amended. This will also help you gauge how much you will spend in applying your aesthetics.

When you’re at the point of securing a deal on a house for sale, then a home inspection should be a priority. Whether you have a house and land package around Whittlesea, Victoria or somewhere in Sydney, here are some of the pointers you need to keep in mind.

Do not rush

Home For Sale

In your desire to move in quickly, you may forego inspection or shorten it. This is not something that you should do. Otherwise, you may discover a major problem that could have been addressed had you had an inspection. Take your time. Two to three days can be enough. Make sure that you have a contractor or engineer with you.

Take pictures

When you spot an issue, you should take note of it. Better yet, you may want to take a picture of it and send it to your broker or agent. You may want to compile the photographs of all issue for a more streamlined request.

Have the issues fixed ASAP

You need to have the issues fixed ASAP, especially if you have scheduled already a move-in. You can ask your developer or broker if it will incur any additional costs. If it does, go for it. After all, it is usually more affordable than getting a third party contractor.

These are only some of the things to keep in mind if you want to have your home inspected. Doing so will help save money.

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