Family-Friendly Neighbourhood: Look for These Signs

When buying a property, the number one consideration real estate agents would remind future homeowners is this: location, location, location. If you want to live the life you’ve always wanted, you’re supposed to look not just on the house itself but on the neighbourhood as well.

Location dictates lifestyle. This home buying tip is especially crucial when you’re getting your first family home, as the community you’ll belong to would make a great impact on how you would raise your kids. So, when looking at neighbourhoods, look for the signs that tell you’re buying into a family-friendly locale.

Kids walking or biking to school

This means two things: convenience and security. Of course, you want to buy a home in a district close to a school because not only can you cut down costs on transportation but more importantly, you can also develop a better relationship with your children’s teachers.

Kids walking to school also means there’s a great sense of safety in the community that parents are confident enough to leave their children in the streets. You want that kind of safe environment for you and your family. So, remember to look for children walking to school. Do check out the home and land packages in the Geelong area. You might just find one that’s close to a top-notch school.

Neighbours hosting a barbecue party

Barbeque party in the neighbourhoodWhen you see residents waving at each other while mowing the lawn or neighbours hosting a yard party, then that’s a sign that you’re in a close-knit community. And that’s crucial when you’re growing a family. You want your kids to grow not just physically and cognitively but also socially.

Moving next to friendly neighbours is a big plus. Their children can be your kids’ playmates, which can be a good social training for your little ones. Be cautious of ‘too friendly’ neighbours, though — those who are too sociable, spending every night hosting rowdy parties. The last thing you need when nursing your child’s tantrums is a loud, pumping music from your next-door neighbour. In addition, you don’t want to expose your children to late-night drinking and whatnot. And lastly, you don’t want to get into disputes with your neighbours if you do report such rowdy parties.

Locals going to a downtown centre

This also means convenience. You’re looking for a location that’s not just near schools but also close to other commercial establishments. Having a family would require frequent trips to supermarkets, restaurants, malls or hospitals, so finding a home that’s close to such would be a huge plus.

Ask your would-be neighbours how long the drive from the residential area to the downtown centre is. Or, drive it yourself and see if you can endure the traffic. Try taking public transportation systems also to know how easy or difficult it will be to move around the community without your car.

The neighbourhood you’re moving in to is as crucial as the home of your dreams. So, always remember the mantra: location, location, location.

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